domingo, 4 de maio de 2014

Perguntas da Host Family

Olá, pessoal.

Quando criei esse blog não pensei que seria tão dificil mantê-lo atualizado, mas confesso que passei a semana pensando em um tema que seria interessante e não cheguei à nenhuma conclusão. Portanto vou postar aqui as perguntas que minha ex host family fez quando começamos à conversar...

1.      How do you describe your personality?  Are you outgoing or shy?  Do you take a while to feel comfortable with new people or can get acquainted with new persons easily?  Do you think you are calm or get nervous easily?

2.      From the following list of personal characters, if you had to select five qualities, what would they be?  The following are the characteristics: sociable, sporty, warm-hearted, open minded, outgoing, polite, positive, family oriented, flexible, humorous, independent, active, creative and efficient.

3.      How do your parents describe you?  What are your personal strengths and what are your weaknesses?

4.      Do you like to cook?  If so, what do you cook and what do you like to eat?

5.      When things are not going well for you, say you may have had difficulty with another classmate or with a student (say, in the kindergarten where you work), how did you resolve the problem?  Did you seek anyone else’s help?

6.      If we do match, about one week into your arrival, you will be home alone with the girls.  The girls are very happy during unstructured time and play time, but if they give you a hard time with homework, what would be some of the ideas you have to get them to do homework?

7.      What are some of the things you would like to do with the girls during unstructured or free times?

8.      Are you willing to learn some of the techniques that we use with the girls regarding homework or getting them to achieve certain tasks?  For example, if Victoria or Rachel refuse to eat dinner (which happens often), we get them to try three or four bites of their food (like chicken or hamburger) and then let them eat something else that is healthy such as grapes or an apple.  They at first may say no but without a lot of effort they do try the three bites of food and they eat something else.

9.      What is your typical schedule at this time between home, school and work?  Are you currently studying?  What time does your day start and end?

10.     What do your parents think about you participating in the program?

11.     Are you leaving behind a boyfriend in Brazil?  If so, what does he think?

12.     Do you have any tattoos or body piercings?  If so, are they visible?

13.     When did you first learn how to drive?  Is the car automatic or standard transmission?

14.     How often do you drive?  Where do you usually go to?  Does anyone else go with you?

15.     Do you drive on highways or on local roads?

16.     What are your expectations for your aupair year?

17.     Do you have any friends in the aupair program at this time? If so, in which states?

18.     Do you have any relatives in the USA at this time, if so, in which states?

Sei que a lista é grande e que as perguntas variam de família para família, mas já é um guia para quem ainda não teve o primeiro contato com as famílias... 

Have a nice day!


2 comentários:

  1. Sempre arrasando por aqui neh Duda....
    vc já me segue?
    Bjokas, de novo, dicas ótimas para as aspirantes!

  2. Obrigada, Gisella. Vou começar a te seguir agora mesmo. Bjo bjo!
